Sunday July 1, 1984

 2nd Sunday after Trinity

Moorhouse Inn, Leeds

Club Street.
Diana is 23. News: Prince Andrew has been eating in a kinky restaurant where the waitress 'spanks' naughty customers. What a novel idea. The Bishop-elect of Durham has decided that Jesus was not the son of God. I suppose this had to happen. By 2063 we'll have our first Soviet, atheist pope. 

To Club Street at 3. We dug the garden and cleaned the car and gave Samuel a push around Lidget Green. Eat salad. Very relaxing and a change from 'living over the shop'. Ally spoke to Bessie who was 'off hand' with her and complaining about the christening. I think that she thinks we are not getting on with the organising. Graham and Gill were at Martyr Worthy for the weekend. Home at 7 to the hurly burly of pub life in Hunslet, Leeds.


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Monday October 15, 1984

 Moorhouse Inn, Leeds Phoned Horton and spoke to my prodigal parents. Ally has to go to the brewery next week on a food hygiene course and I...