Saturday April 3, 1982

 Hungover. I was awake very early and felt like Humphrey Bogart in that John Huston film about gold proespecting. Thirsty. Downstairs and cleared away the revolting dishes from last night.

After breakfast we went to town. Ally bought me a striped t-shirt and blue canvas shoes. We inspected all the fashions.

Parliament meet today, Saturday, the first such sitting since Suez in 1956. Unfurl the banners and get out your khaki. Wave the flags for the boys, the soldiers of the Queen, &c. I love the occasional spurt of patriotism. Such things takes our minds off unemployment and Lord Scarman.

The Grand National. Mackerel pâté. 

Karen and Steve arrived on a spur of the moment visit. We ask them to join us at 'Mucky Willie's', all renovated now. Joined by Dave L and one of his domestic science teachers called José, and Jackie and Barry. Pissed again. Jolly night. Back to ours with Dave and José for another critical review of my paintings.


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Tuesday March 12, 1985

 Moorhouse Inn Sunshine. Dad went to Horton to meet a carpet cleaner and telephone engineer. It was a pleasant surprise when Mum appeared in...