Saturday May 29, 1982

 Hot, beautiful day. Up at 8:30 after a restless night in Ally's old three quarter bed. [Lynn, David and Frances had the big room with the double bed]. We breakfasted in the kitchen and then drove into Winchester and pushed baby around the shops. I was in charge of the pushchair. We sat outside the Eclipse Inn [near the Cathedral] and had a drink before moving on to the tranquility of the Bush at Ovington. We sat in the garden at the back and all agreed it was just like old times. It is ages since we got together with Lynn and Dave for a lengthy sup in the summer sunshine. Frances is a darling, and not a minutes trouble, and she had lunch sitting on a blanket next to our table. We went back to Chillandham Cross at 2 and spent the afternoon, once again, sitting in the sun. David had one of his funny heads and missed dinner. We all ate at 8 on prawn cocktail and steak. We watched TV afterwards and didn't venture out. Frances settled in her borrowed cot [from the Lynn family] and we retired to bed at about 12.

I think we heard the news that we have taken Goose Green, but don't quote me.


Friday May 28, 1982

Blenheim: orange.
 Up with the larks at 5:30 and messed around in the bathroom. A hurried breakfast. We left at 8 after placing numerous plants in the bath to drink in our absence, and we set off in sunshine on our journey south. We got to Blenheim Palace for 12. Ally was unimpressed. She didn't like the vastness of the place, or the orange stone. We paid £2.50 each to look at three dreary rooms [the Duke of Marlborough's private apartments were an extra £2 and appealed only to the inquisitive Americans]. A beautiful hot day, and the grounds were magnificent. Saw the Duchess of Marlborough at the wheel of her car.

Our car was making a peculiar tapping noise, but we got to Martyr Worthy for 4:30. Lynn, Dave, and Frances arrived after 6. We ate pork at 10. Very tired. Frank came in pissed.


Thursday May 27, 1982

 The captain of HMS Coventry is a brother-in-law of Richard Luce, MP, who resigned last month along with Lord Carrington at the start of the Falklands crisis. Funny, eh?

Pay day. Brought home £143 for two weeks, which isn't the sum I thought it would be. I have had a pay rise of about £6 before tax. Pathetic but acceptable in these trying times of war and recession. 

I gave Geoff Hemingway another tip. Reuben Straker, of a Burke's Landed Gentry family, has become engaged to Sophie Kimball, once a flat-mate of the Princess of Wales. The Strakers hang out near York.

At home: excitment about our holiday. I seems such a long time since we had a break. Packed and went to bed reasonably early. 

The Beaconsfield by-election took place today but I've seen nothing about it. The Falklands news has sunk the SDP as well as the General Belgrano.


Wednesday May 26, 1982

 Busy day. Weetabix again, but followed by toast with little butter because Ally is letting the 'pantry' run down for our absence in Winchester.

HMS Coventry
YP: Hell all day. The queer, little sub-editor came running over to say that the fated, sunken ship lost last night is either the Cardiff, Coventry or Glasgow. It was HMS Coventry. Sarah has been doing her crocodile bit again, and it's still Kathleen in the swamp. Ally phoned at 12:05. A young buck from the drawing office at Chestnut House has been asking to take her out for a drink at lunchtime. She has rebuffed the lad, and is amused at the jealousy of the other girls who look upon him
as something of a catch. She has told them all she has a very tall, dark, striking husband.

Home at 6. Knackered. Poached eggs. I went out and put grey paint on the back windows, and watched Ally ironing, with the ghastly European Cup on the box. Went over to see our neighbour Norman at 8:30 and he took our roof rack off for me. I'm like a spastic at times. In at 9 for a lager and watched a grim 9 o'clock news. Saw the captain of the [HMS] Sheffield speaking for the first time and it was heart rending.


Tuesday May 25, 1982

 Ally and I sat eating Weetabix and listening to the pathetic Mike Read on Radio One. That was after I persuaded her to climb out of bed. I thought I was bad on a morning but compared with Ally I'm a Margaret Thatcher. 

To the YP late and I marched in offering no excuses. __________. Took a walk at lunchtime and intended going to the reference library to look at the 1881 census, but ran out of time. Passed the afternoon tearing up old files.

Home at 6. Dull and threatening rain. David L phoned and made a flying visit to collect his bottles, minus his friend 'Knocker'. Elaine Allinson, something of an expert in the finer points of sexuality, has declared that 'Knocker' is homosexual.

Poor Tim has taken a turn for the worse and is now on Ward 16 at the LGI, with a 'crushed heel'. [Sounds like a cheap cut of meat]. I tried to phone Jill and Hilda after 9 but had no response.

Watched a documentary on the Pope. I do wish he'd stay in Rome.Switching off the TV to come to bed at 10:30 I saw the Ministry of Defence spokesman, Ian McDonald, announcing the loss of another warship, but not Hermes or Invincible.


Monday May 24, 1982

 Falklands: The EP says we 'invaded' the islands on Friday. Explain how does one 'invade' ones own territory? Anyway, in we went , and we've formed something called a 'bridgehead'. HMS Ardent and HMS Antelope have been lost. Meanwhile, the public are flocking around the PM and treating her like a lesser Queen Mother. At Chequers yesterday the schoolchildren were out in force thrusting forth flowers, &c.

David Middleton came from Kitchen Studios and we said yes to his scheme. I gave him a cheque for £50, and he wants another £277 before June 10.

Graham Smith phoned tonight to say Charlotte had given birth to a daughter, Isobel Clara, on May 21, at 2:30am. Eileen phoned Sarah too this morning to say she had given birth to a son, Daniel Paul, also on Friday, Ally's birthday. Babies seem to dominate. 

Egg and chips for dinner. Billy Wright phoned at eleven just as we were getting into bed. He was pissed and making no sense, and speaking from the Robin Hood.

Did you know that Francis Pym is descended from the Earls of Leven & Melville and the Lords St John of Bletso?



Sunday May 23, 1982

 Sunday after Ascension

Stayed late in bed. Up and moved bottles to the cellar. We consumed 30 bottles on Friday! Damp and humid. Didn't go out to paint the back windows until after 4. Had lamb for dinner.

Ally watched a ridiculous Agatha Christie film based on the book 'Ten Little Niggers', but no doubt due to pressure from the likes of Lord Scarman it 's now 'Ten Little Indians'. Pathetic.

Watched an interview with the Duke of Edinburgh on the BBC at 10:30. Such silly questions. 'What's your opinion of the Crucifixion, Sir?' Does the BBC think he's the bloody Pope? And on the subject of the Pope I'm saying nothing. The devious little man has apparently deferred his decision on whether to come to Britain in June, handing over the responsibility to our RC bishops. Talk about Pontius Pilate. This pontiff may be the darling of the media, but I have my doubts.


Saturday May 22, 1982

 Hideous. Up at 10. Gave coffee to the two Davids and 'Knocker', and they left at 11 looking worse for wear. We took Glynnie to Leeds and said goodbye at 1pm. On to Valley Road to see poor Timothy, who was encased in pot. On to see Auntie Mabel. Her friend Eveline Falkingham died on Tuesday. She was very upset, but looks at it in the right way. 'We all have to go one day'. Poor Mabel. She's all alone again. Auntie took us to Pudsey Market and Safeways, or somewhere, and we bought kidneys and bits of dead sheep. Home for the evening knackered.


Friday May 21, 1982

 Ally is twenty four today. I was awake at 6 feeling festive and not wishing to return to the land of nod. We squealed with delight like children. I brought a tray upstairs  with boiled eggs and toast and a bottle of fizz [Pomagne]. Ally opened presents. I gave her the Soft Cell LP 'Non Stop Erotic Cabaret' and Simple Minds 'Promised You a Miracle' plus mounds of toiletry requisites for the bath and under arms, and blue plastic earrings &c. The book 'Therese Raquin' by Zola and Agatha Christie's 'Evil Under the Sun'. Bessie sent £10 and Mum a fiver.

To Guiseley and stole Mum's glasses for the party. On to Leeds and spent three hours in the shops. Hideous. Nowhere could she find size three shoes.

Met Glynnie at 3 after a swift one in Jacomelli's. Went to Da Mario's running through torrential rain. We sheltered on the way in Dacre Son & Hartley and saw Jacq.

Home at 5. Glynnie advised Ally on the making of her Quiche Lorraine. Glynnie and I went out to the mysterious Staircase Bar where he expected to find tarts but in fact the place is full of aquaria and OAPs. We left at 8 disappointed. Ally, a bombshell in a new blue mini-dress and blue earrings. Tragedy struck though when Karen phoned to say that Tim had fallen off a roof in York and had broken his leg. He and Jill didn't materialise.

Guests: Sue, Pete, Lynn, Dave, Glynnie, Dave & Elaine Allinson, Karen, Steve, Di, Paul, with some friends, Jacq, Jackie, Barry [who was violently sick], Dave L and 'Knocker' Knowles, his 17 year-old friend, who wore a suit, and looked like President Galtieri.  ___________. Dave L gave Ally fireworks which he wanted to ignite at 1am, but we refused to let him. 'Knocker' played all my records with typical teenage bravado, and his presence irritated Ally. Sadly, my reports of parties are always bitty because I recall very little. Glynnie was with Sue all night ~ they are very close. He took to his bed at 3am to escape Dave and 'Knocker' and the idiotic conversation.


Thursday May 20, 1982

 Ascension Day

To the Co-op. Bought party food and then set to making a party. I made a mackerel pâté. Ally thought about a quiche lorraine but decided to leave it until tomorrow. Re-arranged the chairs, selected the music, squirted cream onto trifles until almost midnight.

I read with interest an article in today's Times by Robert Muldoon the New Zealand PM. It is sickening to think that such a good spirit talks such sense from the southern hemisphere when people at home like Michael Foot and Tony Benn would desert the Falklands and creep away from British territory as if it didn't matter. The Labour party members should be forcibly deported to the South Atlantic. Bed after 12.


Wednesday May 19, 1982

 Sarah worries who will pay the mortgage when Trevor is called upon to sail with the Task Force to the South Atlantic. ________.

Ally ran a gauntlet of pickets at Chestnut House. Both NUPE and COHSE are grousing about pay and Ally, not being a member of either union, is stuck in the middle. She waited at the office with a few of the girls until a suitably sized 'task force' was assembled and then they marched through 'the big men with sticks' to the safety of the works department. Sit over dinner tonight listening to Ally's dramatic account of the latest industrial dispute.

'Coronation Street'. Ally put Jacobean wood dye on the front [and indeed only] door. The rain prevented a show of labour on my part.

Mum and Dad arrived in Portorož, Yugoslavia, today.


Tuesday May 18, 1982

 Ally spoke to Bessie, in lieu of Frank, and they talked about the tattooed kitchen man. Frank was out at Rotary Club  and couldn't speak before 11. Ally cannot possibly stay awake so long. He has taken a close look at Kitchen Studios, and when he is satisfied all is well we'll have to go ahead. £1600 isn't too much, is it? __________.

Monday May 17, 1982

 Stephen Sanderson is twenty four today. He phoned this evening asking us to join them for drinks at the Stansfield Arms, Apperley Bridge. We went. The barmaid was stone deaf and the place cold and unfriendly. Steve wanted to move on to the George and Dragon but we had to wait for Tony, who was in a meeting. Hilda came in with Jill and Tim. Discussed the Falklands. Steve says they'll never land [the British that is], but I hold the view that the prime minister will not call a halt now. Hilda told me of their visit to Buckingham Palace where Diane received a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, not from HRH's hands, but he was present. Hilda says Prince Philip is only a tiny man. I'm sure he's 5' 10ins, or even more. On to the George & Dragon and then back to Wilsby where we admired Tony's parabolic archway separating the dining and sitting rooms. Home at 12.


Sunday May 16, 1982

 Rogation Sunday

Unable to get out of bed until after 2pm. Ally kept coming into the bedroom and looking solemnly down at me. She was making busy downstairs and eventually I struggled down and played with some paint on the windows. At 6:30 a horrbile little man bedecked in tattoos came in and talked about making us a new kitchen. It was a far cry from Kitchen Studios. He made a pitiful drawing and went away leaving us despondent. It is going to cost us £2,000.

Mum and Dad left for Yugoslavia on a coach at 7:30am and they are staying somewhere in France tonight.


Saturday May 15, 1982

 Went into town and bought baby Christopher a china mug and egg cup from Rackham's. I painted before going into Bradford, and again afterwards. To Guiseley at 6:30 and sat with large whiskies in jovial spirits with Mum & Dad. The subject of John and Maria was only lightly touched upon ________. On to see Sue and Peter. Sue wearing a mini skirt. Peeped at the baby. A gathering of both clans ~ including Pamela and the elderly Peter. Much drink. Home at a disgusting hour.


Friday May 14, 1982

 Took a half day and climbed up the ladder to paint the window frames, much to the curiosity of my neighbours. Ally came home for salad sandwiches at lunchtime and we had a great pile of them. She was home again at 4:30 and I painted until 8. We went out at 9 to buy fish and chips on Duckworth Lane.


Thursday May 13, 1982

Bought birthday presents for Ally at lunchtime, and got paints from Lewis's. This evening to the Co-op ~ devoid of all human life ~ and we walked around the aisles in a state of unease contemplating the possibility that perhaps there is an anthrax outbreak which we haven't heard of.

Had sausages at home, and put our feet up. Ally, overcome by tiredness, went to bed leaving me watching the end of a thriller.


Wednesday May 12, 1982

 YP, dull. Home, bright. Piggy and I sat watching TV this evening.  A ghastly film starring Mark Lester ~ 'The Prince and the Pauper'. Shocking. And the final part of 'Woman in White'. We sat on the sofa disapproving, eating chocolate and drinking coffee. Mark Twain and Wilkie Collins cannot be lying at ease in their graves after tonight's TV offering. Ally has been weakening for sweets lately and I was despatched to the corner shop, where the tatty woman, clutching at least three babies, handed over the provisions.

Mum and Dad go to Yugoslavia on Sunday and they have yet to hear from John [that is since May 5].



Tuesday May 11, 1982

 Ally moved to Chestnut House from Daisy Bank and rid herself of the hideous Gillian and can now mix with normal women. She was beginning to go insane, you know. 

Painted the house and took a bath. Ally sat studiously watching the International Young Musician of the Year Award on the BBC. I believe an effeminate West German youth won playing Mendelssohn [sic]. Nothing other than peaceful domesticity reigned this evening. ____________.

Falklands: Mrs Thatcher is battling on and sticking firmly to her principles.


Monday May 10, 1982

 It's going to be brief. YP nothing. Told the EP that a daughter of the Duke of Norfolk is going to marry, and the newsdesk gave me £2.50 for the tip. Phoned Mum who is back on her feet and shrugging off suggestions to go to hospital for an x-ray. Very naughty of her.

This evening I took myself up a ladder and poked about in the gutters. Ally bought a pot of grey undercoat and I deposited it with some success upon the bare wood.

Watched 'Minder' at 9 and went to bed afterwards. 


Sunday May 9, 1982

 4th Sunday after Easter

Frank and Bessie left after 11, and Frank promised to look into Kitchen Studios and let me know his thoughts in the week. Bessie wanted to stay in Yorkshire. She looked sickened. We sat twiddling our thumbs after and decided to go and see Mum and Dad for a crisis conference on John and Maria. At Guiseley we found Mum tucked up in bed with her gall bladder thing again and the doctor pacing around. It was touch and go whether she should go into hospital, but the doctor decided against it. Poor Mum. We left her sleeping.

Dad was in a state about John and was sat almost tearful.

On to Burley-in-W and had a roof rack fitted to Audrey so that we could go back to Pine Tops and collect Dad's ladder. Frances was having a bath like a pink, wet angel. Lynn wouldn't be drawn on John's plight and I decide it must be a subject that isn't included in her list for the day. David was very helpful and he took me into the garage and heaped tackle on me. Poor devils, they are taking Henry and Audrey's caravan to Wales in July.


Saturday May 8, 1982

 A day with Frank and Bessie. Much activity. After a large breakfast we went off in the BMW  and found ourselves at Starbotton for luncheon which went down very nicely. We didn't see Mrs Heap which is a relief because I feel uncomfortable meeting people who have recently lost someone. Afterwards we drove to Skipton and trudged around the shops and took tea in a room above the bustle of the market. Bessie is a comedienne.

Back to Bradford for 5 and had big gins and talked about kitchens. Frank is very dubious about Kitchen Studios and think they should be looked into before we spend £1500. However, Frank doesn't think the price is too steep.

Frank and Bessie took us out to dinner at the Pizza House on Sunbridge Road. Excellent. I had lasagne, trout and Peach Melba. Ally had veal in a garlic sauce, Frank chicken. Home at 12 all jolly and bloated.


Friday May 7, 1982

Bessie: scatty.
 A half day. Home at 1pm. I met Ally at Barclay's Bank and paid in a cheque for £10. To the bakers and the Co-op and back home for 1:30. I spoke to Papa on the phone. He is upset about John and Maria _______. He pleaded with John to seek legal advice. ______. In the midst of our chat Frank and Bessie arrived and so I put the phone down. Frank dropped Bessie with us and then changed and went off to Liverpool to the leaving party of a former colleague. We entertained Bessie to dinner ~ chicken. She is very scatty and told us that we are all well provided for should they come a cropper on the M5. During dinner we played Debussy and Eric Clapton. I think Bessie preferred the piano. Frank came back pissed at 1am. He'd been drinking champagne and he sat swinging his legs on the 'breakfast bar'.


Thursday May 6, 1982

Walked into town with Sarah and lingered in Boots buying ale [for home brew] and smelly bottles of lotion for Ally's coming birthday. A dismal day. Poor John's news is like a nightmare and all day I've been thinking of him.

This evening we went to Morrison's and spent half an hour hiding from the  ______ behind the frozen peas and Weetabix. They didn't see us but it was a close shave.

Afterwards we made pigs of ourselves eating fish and chips and looking at the television. Richard Griffiths in a play, but no Robin Day because he's got pneumonia. I cannot tolerate Ludovic Kennedy. To bed quite done in.  

Wednesday May 5, 1982

 Mum phoned tonight in a highly emotional state to say she had just heard from Scotland that John and Maria are to part. It is a shock. She had phoned John to talk about the loss of the Grassington guest house [which has gone to a man with cash], and she spoke to Maria first, who sounded quite normal. They are selling the [Corner House] cottage. _____________.

To bed with sombre faces.


Tuesday May 4, 1982

 A terrible day. YP gruesome. Kathleen will not be drawn on the Falklands anymore. She is as spineless as Wedgwood Benn. Sarah was dull. 

Home at 6. We had fish fingers and watched Thora Hird on the TV.

Horror. The 9 o'clock news: the little Ministry of Defence spokesman came on looking particularly sour and announced the loss of HMS Sheffield and a Harrier jump jet. Oh God. It seems the Sheffield was bombed and was abandoned after the fire could not be controlled. Ally was close to tears thinking of the poor sailors in the freezing South Atlantic. We haven't lost a ship since the last world war. I hope the Commons remain firmly behind Mrs Thatcher and don't coward out. To bring the boys home now will mean that all the lives of the Sheffield's lost crew will have been wasted in vain. Went to bed and listened to John Nott on the radio saying that maybe thirty have died.



Monday May 3, 1982

 Bank Holiday in UK

To the YP. Town was like one of those gold prospecting towns in the wild west forty years after the gold rush had died. The only thing missing was the blowing brushwood. Felt as though I was the only person heading out to work. 'To Labour and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing we do thy will. Amen'.

At the office at 9 o'clock and found that we had sunk the General Belgrano, the Argentine's biggest thing afloat. Splendid work. The prime minister is the best we've had since Lord Palmerston. Phoned Ally. 'Nicholas and Alexandra' was on TV.

Home at 5:30. We had mince in suet but the electric hob thing packed in mid-way and our dinner was a prolonged and bitty affair. Back to the crockpot once again. Dear old Florence Nason gave the electric rings to Sue & Pete in 1980 when they bought West End Terrace.

Ally looked tired and miserable. A man came to the door and asked me to vote Conservative on Thursday. The poor chap, the candidate called Lewis, doesn't stand a chance.

Watched Lesley Anne Down in a dreadful TV film of Agatha Christie's 'Murder is Easy'. Buggered, to bed.


Sunday May 2, 1982

 3rd Sunday after Easter

Up with the larks. Drove to Yeadon and looked at kitchens in a showroom. Lots of people drinking wine and eating cheese and biscuits. No way to sell kitchens if you ask me.

On to Sue's. Sat drinking lager and looking at Christopher, who is quite massive now. The poor baby is a Nason all over. Onwards to Pine Tops. Mum and Dad have now taken fancy to a guest house at Grassington, and have made an offer. I am not enthusiastic. Frying eggs all day isn't what I call a proper job and I can see them in my minds eye behind a bar pulling pints. They seem very happy about it, and say it won't be as restrictive as a tavern.

Watched 'Brief Encounter' only half-heartedly, and played with Frances, who has the reddest cheeks I have ever seen. She had stayed over last night whilst Lynn and Dave were out at Sicklinghall with Trevor and Jane. Frances can only crawl and refuses to stand. A beautiful, comical looking child. Lynn and Dave came in at 2. Dad followed [he's been on duty]. Dave went away to draw, and came back at 6 with fish and chips, after which they took baby home to bed. We sat and watched 'Woman in White' and left after 10.



Saturday May 1, 1982

 May Day. 

Slept soundly and got up full of beans because my cheque for £10 arrived from the beloved Post Office. If you can recall, Bessie posted my card on April 1, addressed to 'Ashe Tree Cottage, 5 Lidget Green, Bradford'. The sleuths at the PO have finally traced me and at 10:30 we set out gleefully to 'spend, spend spend'. First to the Co-op and then to town where I bought a pair of pump-like shoes called Turbos. I now look like a combination of Shakin' Stevens and the Woman in White. I bought Ally a blouse ~ a present from my 'Princess Felicitas of Prussia' article for Jonathan Margolis at the Mail. Bought three LPs. Eric Clapton, Remain in Light by Talking Heads, and a 1978 Bee Gees. Walked around town feeling like Sir Charles Clore [when he was alive that is].

Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones is eighteen. Why not marry her off to Viscount Althorp or the Marquess of Milford Haven?

Mum phoned. Karen isn't pregnant after all. Her doctor has changed his mind. The poor girl is in hysterics.

Sat by the TV watching the war. We bombed Port Stanley airfield today, and suffered no losses. The bulletins kept us rivetted. Our generation has never experienced such drama.


Friday April 30, 1982

 Just like old times I had a hangover. The girls in the office smiled and giggled at me. Why do women enjoy the sight of a man suffering? I blame the Roman Catholics. 

Went out at lunch and had a Cornish pasty in the rain in Park Square. Some young things were playing rounders in the daffodils.

Back at the YP I poured over my warm copy of the EP, hot off the press. From noon we have established our blockade of the Falklands and anything coming over the line is to be shot at. Let us hope this is not the Suez of Mrs Thatcher.

Shattered tonight. Ate and then slept. Nothing feels better than curling up in bed feeling completely done in. It wassn't too long before my contemplation of the ceiling passed into oblivion.


Thursday April 29, 1982

 Dear cousin Jill is twenty today. I remember her birth. I used to call her Jilly. Pay day. Got £68 instead of the usual £62. Pathetic, eh? Went out at lunchtime and bought a lager pack and some nice veg soup for Ally [cucumber and mushroom, or something]. She is quite partial to pretty soups.

Home at 5:30. Both in the bath and dressed hurriedly, but didn't get out until 8. Collected a few bottles and went to Valley Rd [Pudsey] where the Gadsbys were gathered for Jill. On to the King's Arms at Tong. Tony, Hilda, Karen, Steve, &c. Diane told us of her forthcoming visit to Buckingham Palace to a presentation by Prince Philip of Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards. She and Hilda have bought new hats. Tony talked about the Gadsby Coat of Arms [!] ~ rampant ferrets, I think. Cock and Bull, more like. Jill was on top form calling me 'Mig'. She is an extremely witty lady. Back to Valley Road for more drinks. A poor boy called Vernon Murdoch, a neighbour, was taking refuge in their greenhouse, having been locked out of his house.


Wednesday April 28, 1982

 Windy. Weaker sun. Mum phoned. In Friday's YP death notices she has spotted the death of Mr Heap, of the Fox & Hounds, Starbotton. We didn't see him during our stay. He was incapacitated in a nearby room. Poor Mrs Heap.

Mum said she's heard of a Wharfedale Union Workhouse in Otley. Could this be where John Rhodes [1866-1948] was?

YP dismal. We received no copies of The Times, which gave a bad start to the day. The Falklands business looks like war. We are set to sink everything on sight from 11am on Friday. Labour is squealing about going to the UN, but what can they possibly do? Alexander Haig's Hon GBE is fading.

I cashed the £30 cheque from Jonathan Margolis. Walked around town but bought nothing. I never get further than HMV records and Greenhead books. I could easily spend £30 every week on records.

Jackie and Barry came at 8:30 and we sat listening to stories of Benidorm. Both seem happy and relaxed. we sat drinking beer and Rosé wine until almost 12. Ally made a pile of salad sandwiches and I helped her chop tomatoes while Jackie and Barry whispered together. We both wore striped shirts.



Tuesday April 27, 1982

 Sunshine. Up at 6:30. I dreamt that Ally bought me some rabbits. How odd. We sat eating biscuits and drinking tea. £1500 is one Hell of a lot of money [for a kitchen] and I don't think we can afford it. However, a cheque for £30 arrived from Jonathan Margolis and so it isn't all gloom and darkness. 

Ally is bubbly and cheerful, which is amazing considering that the AHA is in a heap and she seldom has a proper days work. She needs to be kept busy because she thinks, while slumped over her barren typewriter, of all the work she could be doing at home.

The second coming?
YP:  Kathleen inspected Sarah's wedding ring. Why do women do this? Surely one wedding ring resembles another? We discuss the second coming of the Messiah, which a local lunatic has prophesied is to occur next week. How will the Messiah do it? Will it be a blinding flash and the chorus of a heavenly host, or will it be like the first time? Will he go through the 'born in a stable' routine all over again? Margot probably hit the nail on the head when she said: 'I bet you anything he has decided not to bother coming.' Hoots of laughter.

Home at 6. A happy, cuddly night. Mum phoned. The Polaris submarine captain inspected the loft this morning and went away again.


Monday April 26, 1982

 Sun. Falklands. Ally. Love. Daffodils. Like the EEC we had a milk mountain this morning, and for the first time since I was a child I drank lots of it [with Rice Krispies]. We sat talking about Lynn and her peculiar ways. ____. Dave plays squash twice a week with the funny woman who lives next door to Jill & Tim. 

Sarah back at the YP. She says she hasn't settled down yet [to married life] and asks if this is normal.______.

Mr Middleton came to look at our kitchen and says the new oak one will cost us £1500. Very expensive but his plan does look good. We spent the evening convincing ourselves that we can afford it. Bed 10:30.


Sunday April 25, 1982

 2nd Sunday after Easter

Sun. Ally and I took a full-English breakfast but Ally didn't enjoy it and looked peeved. _________.

Phoned Susie & Peter. Marlene and Frank are visiting them today to inspect Christopher. I asked whether the baby had started school yet. Mum phoned. A naval officer from a polaris submarine has shown interest in buying Pine Tops. He visited this afternoon. Guiseley is hardly a searfaring town.

The Royal Marines [1982]
I went out and planted plants in the garden. Ally cleaned out the cellar. The TV was dominated by newsflashes throughout the day. The Royal Marines have landed on South Georgia and captured it back from the Argentinians. The announcement came at about 8pm as we were watching a delightful girl on BBC2 playing Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto, and the emotion was just too much. I went upstairs and put on my Union Jack underpants. This is something I have never experienced in my lifetime. Naval battles have always been part of history. Mrs Thatcher looked defiant and very 'Winston Churchill' on her doorstep at No 10 Downing St. The Queen received the PM in audience at Windsor this afternoon. The woman must be worried sick about Andrew.

Mum phoned again to give a report on the Polaris submarine gentleman. Bed late after a Falklands special on BBC2.


Saturday April 24, 1982

 Sunshine, heat. Buried in our bed until after 11 and then devoured our usual weekend repast. Out to Bradford, to market. Vegetables, &c. Visited a posh kitchen shop and consider having an expensive oak kitchen suite fitted at Ash Tree Cottage. A man called Middleton is coming on Monday to measure up! We must be mad. We went on to the Railway Inn at Rodley and sat with beer in a smoke-filled chamber. Ghastly. On to the Gadsbys where Tony was bashing a hole in the wall. Hilda was sitting covered in three inches of brick dust refusing to move. We offered our congratulations to Karen and Steve. _____. On to Jill and Tim's. A nice garden. Ale and apricot wine. Dined at the Sanderson pile ~ Chilli con carne. Then back to Valley Rd with the carless Sandersons where we carried on drinking.Watched the horrid Eurovision Song Contest from the Harrogate complex. Abysmal. We returned to Bradford first dropping Karen & Steve at 12:30.


Friday April 23, 1982

 St George's Day

Sun. YP not brilliant. Scanned the Times but saw no mention of any new Knights of the Garter. I blame the Argentinians. Sir Murray Maclehose, the Governor-General of Hong Kong would be a good KG possibility, but he isn't well and I don't think he'll  see another St George's Day.

Home at 5:30 to find Ally looking beautiful. We went to Burley-in-W at 7:30 stopping first at Beesley's to buy sherry from the barrel [costing £2.90!]. Lynn hadn't cooked a dinner because of the fine weather and she sent David out for fish and chips at 8. Lynn is worried that she isn't keeping up with Dave's high class colleagues. The Bakers don't have a cocktail cabinet, for instance.Dear God. _______. We had to endure a revolting series on the BBC about American forces in the UK in the '40s. Dull. No one could speak and I fumbled with the Daily Mail reading the Nigel Dempster column and his scoop about Princess Margaret and her friend Norman Lonsdale. Ally was bored. Then the photo albums came out. Lynn then switched onto a Walter Matthau film which we'd all seen before. At 12 we left, and only Dave saw us out because the TV hadn't quite burned itself out and Lynn couldn't tear herself away. _____.


Thursday April 22, 1982

 Good weather again. Sarah has chosen a good week to have it off. Uneventful at the YP. Falklands and all that. Kathleen is mentally disturbed by the whole business of sending gunboats to the other end of the earth. She firmly believes that a nuclear holocaust will finish us all off by Christmas all because of Mrs Thatcher's actions. I think the whole thing is marvellous and it can be doing nothing but good for the election prospects of the Conservative party. Since the Argentinians invaded three weeks ago who has heard a mention of Roy Jenkins?

Home to Baby at 6 and just for a change we went to the Co-op and not to Morrison's. Back at 7:30 to watch a Chronicle programme on the raising of the 'Mary Rose' Tudor warship which sank in 1545. Saw a new thriller. Bed at God knows when.



Wednesday April 21, 1982

 Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

The fifty sixth birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. No doubt her thoughts are with Prince Andrew on the high seas heading for the Falklands. 

I climbed out of bed at 6:45 and sang the first two verses of the national anthem [I have trouble with the third]. We wallowed in the bath then had scrambled eggs. The Argentinians have no sovereign around whom to rally. That will contribue to their downfall. 

To the YP. Mum phoned at 11:30 to say that Karen is pregnant and that the baby is due in November. Didn't take a lunch break and left at 4. The phone trilled at 6. It was Jonathan Margolis saying my £30 is in the post. They have found someone in West Germany who has tracked down Princess Felicitas of Prussia [who would be Queen if the successsion had been gender blind in 1901].

Home at 4:45. Washed the windows. The Area Works Department is to quit Daisy Bank and move somewhere behind the [Bradford Royal] Infirmary. This will give Ally something to do. She's been on the verge of resignation brought on by inactivity. Derek Jenkins has taken two days off to attend the funeral of a friend. The deceased only lived at Clayton, not the Outer Hebrides.

Bessie phoned. They are coming to stay with us May7-9. We will miss Mum's FA Cup final orgy, but Dixon visits are rare and must take priority. 

Watched part 2 of 'Woman in White' and went up to bed.


Tuesday April 20, 1982

 Woke at 5am and was restless afterwards. I dreamt that I had gone grey. Ally was splashing in the bath as I lay observing the bedroom ceiling thinking of sex. Well, it makes a change from worrying about the Falkland Islands.

Poached eggs. Bus to Leeds reading Evelyn Waugh's 1940s journal.

At the YP Kathleen didn't mention Sarah's wedding until about 3 when she casually asked what colour the bride wore. She had a cheese and wine party in the office at the time of Sarah & Trevor's nuptials. Women are such balls of confusion.

The Dowager Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley has died. She was Chris Monckton's step-grandmother and a peeress in her own right as Lady Ruthven of Freeland, and this peerage now merges with the earldom of Carlisle.

Home at 5 to Ally who was in blue. We had lasagne. Bottled our rosé wine.  Felt reassured watching Francis Pym on the news. Evidently, the Argentinians are flocking to watch 'Chariots of Fire', a new English film.

Lynn phoned to ask us to dinner and Friday was agreed upon. Watched TV - Thora Hird, and later Lord Snowdon talking about photography. Bed at 11:30.


Monday April 19, 1982

 No desire to climb out of bed. Ally was splashing in the bath singing like a lark. 

On Saturday at Malham we discussed joining Mum and Dad in the pub business. We haven't said as much before. I had always assumed she would be very opposed to the idea. 

Back to the YP: reading the Sunday papers. The Queen missed the Badminton Horse Trials for the first time since Prince Edward was born in 1964 to go give Canada it's new constitution. I do not like Pierre Trudeau. Princess Anne was at Badminton where she asked a photographer to 'naff off'. I do love the Royal Family. 

Ships of the Royal Navy are nearing the Falklands, and the negotiations seem to have floundered. Alexander Haig has 'shuttled' between London and Buenos Aires without success. I must say it niggles me that the United States is sitting on the fence. President Reagan should be backing us 100 per cent. His sucking up to the Argentinians is nothing short of abominable. Let us hope that in Margaret Thatcher we have a Winston Churchill.

We had chilli con carne. Bottled beer afterwards.


Sunday April 18, 1982

 Low Sunday

The Queen's.
Low Sunday, but high spirits. A full-English breakfast in the company of the dreaded trio from Liverpool. One was a science teach, who mentioned this fact in every conversation. Lovely day again. Like summer. We drove to Hubberholme and walked by the river and cuddled. To the George for a drink where we sat on a bench outside. On to the Buck at Buckden which we didn't like. Carpets, piped music and flock wallpaper aren't what the Dales should be. On to the Falcon at Arncliffe [which has a doctors surgery] and we had a ploughman's lunch. Finally to the Queen's at Litton, where Mum and Dad have designs. We were immediately taken by the charm of this place. Lots of stone and panoramic views, &c. Very impressed. Then, to Kilnsey, where we looked at the trout farm. We slept on the grass near the car, but a child called Helen with a laugh like a tommy gun woke us. We walked to Kettlewell and looked at the churchyard. Back to Starbotton for 7. Disorganisation. Mrs Heap served me a trout with almonds. Ally had a mince concoction. We left at 8:30.  Home at 11, via Pine Tops.


Saturday April 17, 1982

 Feel hideous. I desperately tried to look lively because the success of Ally's weekend depends on my well-being. After breaskfast we went to Malham where I deposited my breakfast outside the Lister Arms. We drove across vast expanses of open moorland for me to make a spectacle of myself, on hands and knees, surrounded by hikers in the bustling village. We went to the Buck Inn and then to the top of Malham Cove. We sat taking in the view eating Mars bars. On to Settle for petrol and then back to Starbotton where we slept until 8 o'clock. In the bar at 9 we had scampi and chips. Three ageing homosexuals couldn't stop staring at me, and then we were cornered by a trio from Liverpool until 12. To bed giggling.



Friday April 16, 1982

 Sunshine. Up at 7:30. Full-English breakfast. We are always nervous before weddings. I recall Ally shaking before Jill and Tim's nuptials, and yet we didn't take fright at our own joining. To Leeds at 10:30. The YP building told us it was 60 degrees F.

The bride.
It was my first experience of a register office wedding. Like a cross between a crematorium and a cinema. Piped music. __________. A conveyor belt of ceremonies. One bride queueing, middle-aged and surrounded by offspring, was drawing heavily on a cigarette, and blowing the smoke through the wedding veil covering her face. Sarah arrived at about 11 in Richard's Rolls-Royce. The bride was in a cream suit. Delia exclaimed that my black velvet jacket looked as though I'd slept in it.

To the Roman Gardens Restaurant in Horsforth. A curious table seating plan saw Ally and I on different tables for lunch. I sat facing Eileen Robertshaw. _____________.Back to the the Collis pile. Tea was offered, but I only drink alcohol at weddings. We left Delia's at 6:30 and drove straight to Starbotton, where we sat the bar of the Fox & Hounds drinking like fish. We looked ridiculous sitting in a Dales inn dressed in our wedding 'finery'. Mrs Heap, a scatty Lancashire woman, took us to our bedroom. We didn't dwell long before returning to the bar. 



Thursday April 15, 1982

 Sunny day. We breakfasted on poached eggs. YP busy owing to Sarah's absence. Ally phoned at lunchtime. She has spoken to a Mrs Heap at the Fox & Hounds at Starbotton, and that subsequently we are going to the Yorkshire Dales at the weekend. I am very happy about it.We have toyed with the idea for a while, but had recently decided against it. Ally always makes the final decision in these things. I walked around with a spring in my step thinking about Theakston's ale and the rolling moors.

Home at 6 and we feverishly packed. Ate chicken curried with rice and chips. Spoke to Mum on the blower to tell her of our plans. She told me to look at the Queen's at Litton, shortly to be placed on the market.

Suitcases packed we sat tonight with salad sandwiches. Watched the final part of 'Badger By Owl-light'.

Lord Strange has died. I am ashamed to say I have never heard of him. I can put this down to the fact that my own copy of Burke's is the 1956 edition and the Strange barony was only called out of abeyance with the death of the Duke of Atholl in 1957. Once again the peerage falls into abeyance amongst his three daughters. Bed at 11.


Wednesday April 14, 1982

 Sunshine. Went to the YP looking like Bertie Wooster. Very 'county'. It was Sarah's last unmarried day at the YP, and we had cream cakes in celebration. She was in something of a fluster.

I escaped at 4 much to Carol J's chagrin and traveled home squinting in the sunshine. I was home before Ally and startled her when she came in. Two letters in The Times saying what rubbish the Nancy Astor tv series was.

Two peers have died. Viscount Chilston and Lord Greenwood of Rossendale, bringing this years number of deaths in the Upper house to 12. I'm keeping a record.

Chicken stew and dumplings. Listen to the Human League LP. Bessie phoned to see if I have got my missing card and money. Gill's daddy, the Rev Matthew Lynn, has had some ticker trouble over Easter and had surgery. 

Mum phoned to thank me for the copy of Saturday's YP which I posted. Their car failed its MOT today. They are going to sell the old heap. They had been in the Shoulder of Mutton drinking  and she sounded giggly.

Watched part one of the 'Woman in White' by Wilkie Collins.


Tuesday April 13, 1982

 Back to the YP after my Easter break. Took Sarah her bit of 'Evesham' china. She was thrilled with it. I saw Judith Brown [nee Rushworth]. She says they are going for a Timothy Taylor's pub near Keighley. Apparently I am the first to know. They're in a cottage at Burley-in-W on the Wharfe and don't particularly want to sell it.

Phoned Ally who was bringing new life to the spare bedroom and washing the curtains.

Home for 5:30. Sunny warm evening. Roast chicken. Discuss the Princess of Wales. She isn't the shrinking violet as portrayed in the popular press. How else could she have captured HRH?

TV. News. Falklands. Bath. Bed. Books. Sleep.


Monday April 12, 1982

 Bank Holiday in the UK (Except Scotland) and Canada

JPH and Catherine
My holiday too. Full English breakfast. Scarborough? Indecision about our plans all day, and eventually we decided to go to Pine Tops. We put an old table in the car boot, and we went to Guiseley in the sunshine. I put on my new Arran sweater. John and Maria and the children were with Mum. Maria looked fat and bronzed and looked more Argentinian that Scottish. Baby names came up. Edward, such a nice name. Catherine doesn't eat, except for five oranges a day. 'She loves fruit'. The children, grown, were filthy from head to toe. Falklands chatter. John says the Russians will support Argentina. I can't see this happening. We stayed to tea. Prawns and salad. Home at 11.


Sunday April 11, 1982

 Easter Day

We should have gone to Steve and Eileen Burnip's but couldn't face it. We were up at 2pm. Watched Erroll Flynn as 'Robin Hood'. After our sojourn in Sherwood Forest with Erroll, and a full-English breakfast we watched 'Great Expectations' until 5:30. Two bottles of lemonade, Cadbury's Creme Eggs, and egg mayonnaise sandwiches - ugh. Music. Saw the last of the 'Nancy Astor' series. Foul. To bed at 10pm square-eyed and knackered. We took lemonade to bed, just in case it might be needed. Ally remains loyal to Agatha Christie after all these years, and doesn't seem to have taken a liking to Ken Follett's 'Key to Rebecca'.


Saturday April 10, 1982

 Up with the sun. No sooner had the eggs and sausages gone when Ally was too - to the hairdesser. I was left alone with the Jam LP and a mug of coffee. My bowels aren't what they should be.

I walked to the Post Office to get a claims form to see what I can do about my missing birthday card from Bessie. Four sheets on in depth questions. One would think I was applying to go behind the 'Iron Curtain' or something.

Pig came home at 1pm and looked good, but her hair isn't as well done as it was in November.

To Bradford: Bought Sarah and Trevor some Royal Worcester 'Evesham' - £13.50. They must have spent a similar amount on us. Ally bought a new red shirt and earrings - she looks a cracker. Bought the Human League's album 'Dare'. Exquisite.

Bath. To Burley-in-W at 9pm [we called on Mum first. She was sitting with Christopher, less like a frog and more sturdy]. To Lynn and Dave's. People were eating pork pies and quietly watching each other. The music was far too low and I felt that my hours of taping were spent in vain. Was surprised by the arrival of Jacq and Trixie. Dave L and José, Karen, Steve, Jill, Tim, Diane, Paul, Sue, Pete, Dave's uncle Tony Baker [from Ghana?], the wonderful Dave and Elaine Allinson, Chris and Julie, my brother John too, bronzed from Majorca &c. The night improved. Drank. Danced. Human Leagued. Home at 4:58am.



Friday April 9, 1982

 Good Friday

Day off. Ally digs around in the garden and then re-arranged the bedroom whilst I bottled ale and taped pop records for Lynn's party. Not happy with my effort.

The daffodils are trying, but have failed to open. They are usually in bloom for my birthday?

Fish and chips. 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' with Dick Van Dyke and Sally Anne Howes. Revolting.

We went down to Mucky Willies, just the two of us. No, first we went to the Fire Brigade. The comedian bar man gave me a Scottish pound note in my change and referred to it as 'Micky Mouse money' whereupon a Scot in the vicinity quipped: 'Well, it's Micky Mouse beer, isn't it?'

Home. Bed.


Thursday April 8, 1982

 Full Moon

Nothing doing in the day. YP dull.

To Morrison's with Ally, Back in time for Top of the Pops and Kenny Everett. We placed the table near the window and had soup, grilled steak and chips, and cheese and biscuits. A romantic evening but we didn't linger like last Friday.

TV: Falklands. 'Badger By Owl Light', a thriller. Robin Day. Bed.

No work tomorrow, but we retired early all the same. Ally finds it difficult to stay awake after 8pm.


Sunday April 21, 1985

 2nd Sunday after Easter Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II Moorhouse Inn The good lady - the Sovereign is 59 years old today. She is celebratin...